Using Classroom Affirmations to Make Your Classroom a Better Place


Classroom affirmations are an important part of the kindergarten classroom. Students walk into a classroom they have never been in before and are expected to try and do hard things. They are often not used to the tasks in front of them, and getting students out of a fixed mindset and into a growth one can be challenging. Using classroom affirmations is one way to help your students who may need a little positive talk in their lives. 

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What are Positive Affirmations?

Positive affirmations are phrases or statements that we can repeat to ourselves to put us in a positive mindset. In the classroom, you may use them to help students see the positive side of hard tasks, learning new things, and classroom behavior. 

Using Positive Affirmations in the Classroom

You can use positive affirmations in your classroom in many ways and places. They are easily made into inspirational posters that can be hung up around the classroom or made into stickers for each of your students. But where and how can you actually talk and use positive affirmations to your advantage? Here are just a few ways to add positive affirmations into your daily classroom routines.

Morning Line Up

If you greet your students at the classroom door, it is a great idea post a positive affirmation of the week or the day when you are greeting a student, whether you use a handshake, high five, wave, hug, etc. Having them repeat a classroom affirmation before entering the classroom is always a great idea. It will get them into the right mindset before even starting their day.

Morning Meeting

Morning meetings have many benefits for students. They allow them time to greet each other, share something about themselves, and even play a game or do an activity. Morning meetings are also a great time to repeat a classroom affirmation and use classroom affirmations. Look at the day ahead of you or the week ahead and try to find an affirmation that may work for your class. Take into account the lessons, quizzes, or activities, and try to pick an affirmation that will work for your class. 

Line Up

Students sometimes need a little prep talk before heading to lunch, special, recess, etc. Using positive classroom affirmations can help set them up for success and ensure they head to the next activity with a growth mindset and are ready to have a great time. 

Affirmation Station

Affirmation stations are all the rage on Instagram and TikTok with teachers, and I am 100% glad they are! Having a place for students to repeat positive affirmations to themselves is a great way to allow students to have a spot in the classroom that is full of positive thinking! 

classroom affirmations- an affirmation mirror over the sink

When using classroom affirmations, you have ample opportunities to include them throughout your day. If you decide to get subject-specific with your affirmations, you may even have students repeat them before moving into a certain activity. It’s all about getting rid of those negative thoughts and replacing them with a powerful tool like an affirmation that students can use for the rest of their lives. 

Examples of Positive Classroom Affirmations

Here are just a few positive classroom affirmations I often use in my class. They not only make for a great way to get students into a growth mindset and to think positively, but they also work when you are trying to create a positive classroom community and get your classroom management into place. 

  • I am kind.
  • I am helpful.
  • I am honest.
  • I am loved.
  • I never give up.
  • I am smart.

These are just a few examples I use when I create my affirmation station or when we discuss affirmations at our morning meeting. It’s amazing to see the transformation in my students after we have discussed a growth mindset and practiced our classroom affirmations for a little bit. They are happier, kinder, work harder, etc. 

If you are looking for a book that really incorporates all of the positive affirmations above and more. I suggest you check out my book In Our Classroom. It is a great book that helps students learn all about how people are the same and different. Plus, it shows them exactly how they can be all of the things above! 

Plus, my positive classroom affirmations match the book characters, so it is easy to refer back to when going over the affirmations with your classroom. Click here to grab the affirmation cards. 

Positive Classroom Affirmations

School can be a challenging place for some students, and creating a classroom built on a growth mindset and positive affirmations can make students more comfortable when it comes to trying new things and developing new skills! 

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