Classroom Decorating Tips for Kindergarten

Back to school season has arrived! Have you begun setting up your classroom yet? I have three classroom decorating tips for you today that will make classroom set up a little easier this year!

Keep it Simple

When you are setting up a classroom, it can be tempting to fill each wall with posters, shelving, and pretty displays. But, the simpler you can keep your classroom decorating during those early weeks, the better! Less stuff on the walls means less overwhelm for your students. We want students to feel calm and ready to learn on the first day of school. If your walls have a ton of visuals for them to take in at once, it may be tough for them to focus. Keep your wall decor minimal, and keep the rest of your decor simple and easy for students to look at!

Walls are for Learning, Not Just Looking

When you do start hanging things on your walls, make it purposeful for your students! We want the materials hung around our classrooms to be learning resources for our students. Filling walls with motivational quotes or pretty pictures is fine in moderation, but the purpose of a classroom is to learn! As you make anchor charts with your students throughout the year, hang them on the walls so they can refer back to them! As you teach routines and have visual reminders, hang those posters on the walls so students can remember how to complete a routine on their own. We want to support our little learners by hanging resources up for them, not simply cute decor.

Incorporate Your Students

Nothing makes a classroom feel more like a community than incorporating your students into the decor! Label cubbies, mailboxes, etc. with student names rather than numbers. Work in real photos of your students where you can. Display their work around the room.

Also, incorporate books and supplies that represent a variety of students. Use crayons and construction paper for a variety of skin tones. Stock your library with books that help students see themselves in the texts. These are the things that will make your classroom feel like a ‘home away from home’ far more than what type of rug you have, or how many posters you have on the walls!

If you want to get a jump-start on hanging some purposeful resources on your walls, check out this bundle of classroom visuals! This pack includes a visual for every routine and procedure you will need to teach this year. The double as mini-lessons as well as decor!