Classroom Jobs Made Easy in Kindergarten

Many teachers use jobs in the classroom. Classroom jobs come with many benefits for our students, but they can be difficult to manage. Today, I am sharing my simple and easy classroom jobs chart! Using this chart, your students will help keep your classroom neat, learn responsibility, and you won’t have to stress about managing it all.
Benefits of Classroom Jobs
Classroom jobs build classroom community. When each student is asked to pitch in and help with a job, they take more ownership in your room. Additionally, jobs build responsibility in each of your students. When a child is asked to complete a task independently to help take care of your room, they learn how to follow through with a commitment. Practicing jobs in the classroom is a great way to give students a small taste of the importance of doing a job in the real world!

How to Use
Assign Classroom Jobs Weekly
At the beginning of the year, assign students new jobs every week. Track who does which job each week, and rotate until every student in your classroom has tried each job. For some of the more complicated jobs, give reminders through the first few weeks of the school year to make your expectations clear. The goal is for each student in your room to know how to do each job well, and to understand your expectations for completing each job. Simply write student names on each card at the beginning of every week. Then, wipe clean and re-write the next week!
Allow Students to Choose Jobs
After several weeks, each student will have done each job on your chart at least once. You can then transition to giving students some choice with their weekly jobs! You can do this in a couple of different ways.
One way to provide choice with jobs is to select a ‘student of the week’. The student of the week gets to pick their jobs for the week. After they have chosen their job, they write their name on the chart. After that, all other jobs are randomly assigned to the other students. You can repeat this until each student in your room has had a chance to be the ‘student of the week’.
Another way to handle choice in student jobs is to let everyone choose! This requires a little pre-planning to prevent things from getting chaotic. Start at the top of your roster and let the student at the top of the list choose their job first. Move down the list in ABC order, allowing each student to come to the job chart and write their name under the job of their choice. The next week, start with the next student on the roster. This means the first student on your list will get to choose their job last. Each week, start with one student lower on the list. Repeat until every student has had a chance to have the first pick of the jobs.
Classroom Jobs Chart
You can grab my Classroom Jobs Chart in my TPT store by clicking this link. There are two versions of each job card: horizontal and vertical. Print, laminate, and cut each job card. Store in a pocket chart so they are easy for students to access each week. Your students will love completing these jobs, and having a little choice along the way!