Five for Friday
Happy Friday! I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her weekly Five for Friday. I’m not going to lie this week was kind of s-l-o-w. Spring has sprung in my room and my kiddos have become quite chatty. That is OK, I am channeling it positively and allowing for lots of speaking and listening time! As we quickly approach summer break (how is it already May?!) I am starting to panic about how much we still have to get done. (deep breath) It’s OK, it will all get done, right?! Here is our week…
Our text feature this week was print type and our animal of study was frog. We read a few informational text and looked at some information online and then listed some important words we needed to know about frogs. We did our favorite Kagan structure, “hand up, pair up” to share the meaning to the words we listed. Then they picked one word to write the meaning and draw a picture.
We continued our unit on measurement and started our survey and graphing activities. It was another good opportunity to have students walk around and ask their friends questions and then record the results. We also continued to group numbers into tens and ones.
I can not say enough good things about the connections I have made through blogging. This community of teachers are so supportive and encouraging and I have felt inspired ever since I have started this journey. I have never participated in a blog event and this upcoming week I get to participate in TWO! Yes, two. I am so excited!
A big THANK YOU to Mrs. Baker’s Dozen for organizing the Teacher Appreciation Blog Hop. This blog hop starts Sunday afternoon. Be sure to check it out. There will be tons of FREEBIES to use in your classroom!
Another big THANK YOU to Lisa from PAWSitively Teaching and Marissa from Inspired Owl Corner for organizing the What Works Blog Link/Giveaway. There will be tons of tips and tricks to use in the classroom from incredibly talented teachers as well as some A-M-A-Z-I-N-G giveaways. You will not want to miss it!
My kids have loved labeling animals. We combined the two text features we learned about so far and labeled frogs as well as wrote an important word. Look at those finger spaces!! 
Here is the frog label/print type sheet if you are interested in using it with your class.
I was excited to find out that our wedding from last May was featured on The Knot’s blog. I cannot believe we are going to be celebrating our one year anniversary soon, this year has flown by. It was such a special day filled with love and support for my husband and I and I am honored that The Knot wanted to include it on their website.
Well that wraps up my week. Thank you for taking the time to read through our week in K! I hope you have a fantastic Friday and a wonderful weekend!