10 Growth Mindset Picture Books And Other Incredibly Helpful Information

When we welcome students into kindergarten, they often do not know how everything in a classroom works. Even if they went to preschool, that classroom looks and feels very different. It can be challenging for them to get into the right mindset. I love reading growth mindset picture books throughout the year to ensure my students understand that the work will be challenging, but they can do it! I will help them, and they will help each other!

growth mindset picture books feature image

When To Use Growth Mindset Picture Books

We’ve all heard the stories of humpty dumpty and the little engine that could. But how can you effectively use growth mindset picture books and stories in your classroom in many different ways? I love bringing in different social-emotional learning skills during the first weeks of school and then throughout the year as well. 

Some great places for these books are:

  • Circle time
  • ELA lessons (yay, cross-curricular!) 
  • Classroom management reboot (click here)
  • Small groups

If you have a difficult class, and if they struggle with not only having a growth mindset but helping others learn, growth mindset picture books can often help with that! Students will not only see themselves in the book characters but will be able to use the lessons they learned inside your classroom.

10 Growth Mindset Picture Books For Kindergarten

These are some of my favorite growth mindset books! They help teach students about learning and growing, perseverance, differences, and many other important social-emotional skills. Here are 10 growth mindset books you can use in your classroom.

The Magical Yet

The Magical Yet is a great book written by Angela DiTerlizza. It helps students understand that we are born with a companion “yet.” The book helps children learn that they may not know how to do something “yet,” but eventually, they will be able to do it and become successful at it.

The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes

The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes by Mark Pett discusses mistakes in a fun and laughable way. Beatrice never makes mistakes, no matter what! But she soon makes a very public mistake at a talent show and realizes it’s ok to laugh it off!

Drum Dream Girl

Drum Dream Girl by Margarita Engle gives you the opportunity to not only teach a growth mindset. But it also gives a little lesson on how everyone is capable of great things. On this particular island, girls cannot drum, that is, until the drum dream girl starts to practice, and soon the village changes their minds and how courage changed music forever.

Bubble Gum Brain

Bubble Gum Brain by Julia Cook is all about Bubble Gum Brain (growth mindset) and Brick Brain (fixed mindset), two different children who have very different mindsets! One tries new things, looks at problems in different ways and asks for help. While the other is convinced, everything is fine just the way it is. But soon, things change.

Beautiful Oops!

Beautiful Oops! written by Barney Saltzberg, is a wonderful book that helps teach students that a simple mistake can turn into beautiful things. A spill doesn’t ruin a painting. It adds some more detail.

You Are Like a Seed

You Are Like a Seed by Michuan Madsen helps students understand that they have everything they need in them to become successful and learn! It’s a great way to show students that they will grow through their schooling career and in your kindergarten classroom.

The Koala Who Could

The Koala Who Could by Bright Rachel is all about a koala named Kevin, who is very anxious. He spends his days and nights clinging to a gum tree. With the support of his friends and other animals, he soon gains the courage to get down onto ground level.

Rosie Revere, Engineer  

Rosie Revere, Engineer by Andrea Beaty may be the book that every little girl should read when they enter kindergarten. Rosie is an engineer. She is always trying to solve problems and invent things. But, when her inventions continue to fail, Rosie wants to give up until her aunt comes to town.

Your Fantastic Elastic Brain

Your Fantastic Elastic Brain, written by JoAnn Deak, is a great non-fiction reading that helps students understand the different functions of the brain, cells, and more. It is a great growth mindset picture book that your students can explore and look at exactly what it can control.

The Most Magnificient Idea

The Most Magnificient Idea by Ashley Spires helps teach growth mindset and helps show students that one day you may be full of ideas and can create the most magnificent thing and then the next have trouble figuring out a problem or an invention.


I’m going to plug my personally written picture book for a second shamelessly. I don’t know if you know, but I took many years writing a picture book that I felt was missing from my bookshelf. A book where all students were represented and all important classroom community concepts were discussed.

I believe it is a great choice when it comes to helping not only build a growth mindset within students but also to help build a wonderful classroom community where students feel loved, respected, and cared for.

In Our Classroom

In Our Classroom, written by ME, is a book all about inclusiveness. It discusses how we all learn differently, look different, and above all are all unique in our own way. It is a great way to help students understand that being different is ok, and it opens up students’ minds to a whole new concept of having a growth mindset and empathy. 

Empathy activities for kids- in our classroom book

In Our Classroom Book Companion And Activities

In Our Classroom doesn’t just cover growth mindset. These activities are perfect for the beginning of the year, after a school vacation, or when you have students who may need a little remembering of what exactly a classroom community looks, sounds, and feels like. 

It also covers:

I’ve created a book companion and activities to help students understand each concept and help students become better learners and friends. Just click the image below!

Having a growth mindset is an important thing to develop and foster in kindergarten. Students are just starting their schooling, and we want to give them the best start we can. Teaching them that their brains will grow, change, and develop will help ensure they are not only good students but good humans as well. Using these growth mindset picture books and other classroom community activities, you are sure to have a great year!