Recovering from a Rough Year: Taking the Time you Need to Refresh

I think I will start by just ripping the band-aid off: This past school year was ROUGH!

I apologize in advance if you are looking for a happy go lucky post about teaching.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my job and love teaching, but I would be lying to you if I said I liked my job last year.

Before I type one more letter on my keyboard, let me first start off by saying I LOVE and CARE for EVERY single one of my students I had last year.  I adored getting to know them and spending my time with them.

I don’t want you to read this and think, WOW, this woman is a monster, why is she teaching?! I truly did enjoy each and every one of my students.  They each had a wonderful personality and grew so much throughout the year.

Unfortunately, it was the combination of kiddos that was just not the best.  Again, it happens.  We also had a larger class size so when you factor in a variety of strong personalities, lots of movement, and a large class you don’t always get the outcome you so hope for.

I know it happens with our profession.  Every teacher will have a rough year or two sprinkled in with great and good ones.  But holy cow, when you are going through that rough year it sure is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I wanted to write this post for all the teachers out there who might have had a rough year last year or have had rough years in the past.  I want you to know you are not alone.

I want you to know it’s okay, and I want you to know just because you had a rough year doesn’t mean the next one will be.

I want you to know it is okay if you had days where you didn’t want to get out of your car, (I did).

I want you to know it’s okay if you cried on Sunday nights or during your lunch, or special, or at the end of the day, (I did).

I want you to know it’s okay if you thought you were the biggest failure, (you really ARE NOT) (At the time I did think that though).

I want you to know it’s okay if you ate ice cream for lunch or dinner or lunch AND dinner just to make it through, (I did).

  Unfortunately we are going to have years like that, it’s just what happens. Instead of dwelling on a hard  year though, I think it is MORE important to FOCUS on what you do AFTER a hard year.  I think it is important to reflect, dust yourself off, recharge, and get ready for a brand new year so that you can feel that excitement and joy again.

So, that’s just what I am doing this summer, and if you had a hard year I hope  you are too!

I’ve allowed myself to let last year go.  I don’t want to dwell on it or continue to bring it up.

It is in the past.  It pushed me to my limits, but it also was a blessing because it forced me to grow, step outside of my comfort zone, and try new things for the good of my students.

Instead this summer I am…

 focusing on me,

my family,

things that make my soul happy,

and doing what I need to do to recharge,


dust myself off,

and get my head back into the game so that come August I am ready to set up my room and I am ready to greet my new kiddos with a pep in my step!

Here are just a few ways I have recharged so far this summer, perhaps you will find an idea or two…

Now that June has sped by and July is upon us (how did that happen?!) I am starting to feel more and more rejuvenated each and every day and more and more excited for a new school year. This excites me, because if you were to ask me in May how I felt about August I might have thrown something at you or burst into tears! (Don’t get me wrong though, summer can go as slow as it wants ;))

In the end, if you get any take away from this post, I want you to know that hard years are going to happen and when they do you are not alone.

Do your best to take care of YOU and know that this too shall pass.

Then take the time you need during the summer months to hit the refresh button and do what makes your heart happy to dust yourself off and try again.

Happy July and Carry on with your much needed Recharge!