The First 25 Days in K | How to Set Yourself Up for Success

In my experience, the most important time in Kindergarten is the first month. Kindergarteners come to you with virtually no school experience. Even with Pre-K, they aren’t accustomed to the rigor of focusing on academic work for as long as they need to in Kindergarten. Switching rooms for lunch and related arts is a foreign concept to them. And even walking in a line may be something they’ve never had to do before! For students without Pre-K experience, every single thing about you and your classroom will be new and overwhelming!

The purpose of Kindergarten is to lay the academic and social foundation that students need to thrive in future school years. But, in order to even start the work you need to do, you need to create the environment your students need to be successful! This means mastering classroom management early in the year, so your students have minimal distractions, feel safe, and know what to expect!

Think about Routines and Procedures Before the Year Begins

Don’t let anything surprise you! Know what you’re going to teach throughout the first month of school, and have an action plan in place for every routine. Reflect on the moments in your classroom that were a little chaotic this past year. Think about how you could tighten them up. Then, think about all of the ways to teach procedures around that moment! Describe it, act it out, put up visual posters, let students practice, have students draw pictures of what to do, etc. The more you opportunities you can create to practice on routine in the first month of school, the better.

Make Space in Your Classroom for a Student-Centered Environment

If you plan to teach dozens of routines and procedures to your students in one month, you need to give them time to practice. And, you want to make it easy on them! Put supplies that students are responsible for in places that are easy for them to reach. Make it clear what goes in their cubbies, and what should always be taken home. Arrange desks and chairs in a way that is easy for students to walk to the carpet and to line up at the door. Imagine being asked to follow the routines you map out for your classroom. Take a hard look at your classroom to make sure everything is accessible!

Consider What You Will do to Reinforce your Expectations

Do you need a behavior incentive program? Does your school already have one in place, and what do you need to get that off the ground on day one? What will you do about students who do not follow expectations? What parent communication systems will you put in place so you can be on the same team as your families? You don’t want to be caught off guard by a behavior issue. Parents shouldn’t be left in the dark. Make these plans early, and execute them all within the first month!

The First 25 Days in K Course

The First 25 Days in K Course is open now! This course will give you all of the support you need to master the first month of kindergarten teaching! That first month is critical in setting the stage for the rest of the year. Don’t delay in grabbing your spot before it closes! Click HERE to join us!