Settling into the New Normal

As I sit here and watch my sweet little girl play on the last weekday of my winter break I can’t help but feel a twinge of sadness about going back to work.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I love my job and I love the students I teach, but ever since I started wearing the Mom/Teacher hat I find myself wishing even more that breaks went a little longer, and weekends a little slower.

I’ve been back to work a little over three months now and I’m not going to lie, and there is no way to sugar coat this, it is hard!  To all you Teacher Moms out there who make it look so effortless kudos to you, I am certainly trying to get into a groove, but more than half the days I feel like I am riding the struggle bus.  This juggling is one tough act. 

I thought I would take a few minutes to share what I have started to realize…

I would say every day I feel a little Mom guilt as I kiss my baby and walk out the door to work, but at various degrees of intensity.  It’s normal and everyone feels it and it’s okay!

I will say that although I miss my baby girl like crazy, my day is so busy and crazy that before I know it I’m back in the car driving home to cuddle with her.  However, there are those days when you are going to need to cry for a moment or two as you drive to work. Go ahead and do it.  You will thank yourself later.

The number one thing that helps me the most is knowing that she is in wonderful hands.

I’m constantly asking myself, am I doing enough for my students?  Am I meeting all my students needs? Am I running a smooth classroom that is both academically challenging and fun!  The questions go on and on.  When those questions start flooding my head I have to take a deep breath and answer, yes I am doing the best that I can, and I am a good teacher!

It really is, and if you find yourself questioning whether or not you are being a good Mom and a good teacher, odds are you are rocking both!  The ones who question are the ones who care and when you care you try your best.  

I stepped back into my classroom and I wanted to change and do so much.  I had had a whole summer plus my maternity leave to brainstorm and think of new ideas to try in my room.  I quickly realized I needed to relax and allow myself time to get my groove back.  I wrote down all the ideas I had for my classroom and decided to try to implement one new thing a month.   If there was a month I just couldn’t do something new I took a breath and gave myself a break.  I’m quickly realizing it’s okay to take things slowly.  There is no need to put additional pressure on myself.  
Finally, if you find yourself questioning whether or not you are doing a good job, I am here to tell you YOU ARE!  Go ahead, give yourself a pat on the back, you deserve it.  
Thank you for reading along with me as I typed out the thoughts that have been running through my  head as I rejoined the work world.  I couldn’t be happier and I appreciate the fact that I can have a job that I love and concentrate on my family all at the same time.  
I’ve just realized that this year is all about embracing the new normal.