End of the Year Student Gifts

The end of the school year is approaching at a rapid rate and I wanted to spend a few minutes talking about student gifts.
I don’t know about you, but I love to give a little something to my sweet kiddos to celebrate the end of Kindergarten, but I also don’t have tons of time to spend wrapping and prepping.
With report cards, and boxing up my room (we have to pack up our room every year for summer school), and all of the end of the year festivities a teacher definitely feels short on time and overwhelmed.
For the past few years I have been giving my students sand buckets for their gift and I fill it with little gifts for them to have fun and also practice their learning throughout the summer.
I found my sand buckets at the Target Dollar Spot, but I also have heard they can be found at the Dollar store.
What do I put inside?
A pencil
A summer journal
Bubbles or Chalk
A Scholastic Dollar Book
This year I found Chicken on Vacation from Scholastic Book Club.  I thought it went well with the sand bucket summer vacation theme!
Scholastic Magazine
We subscribe to the Scholastic “Let’s Find Out” magazines and I put our summer themed magazine inside the sand bucket.
If you like this idea I have the sand bucket tags as a freebie in my TpT Store.  You can type your name by the heart to personalize it for your class.
Click the picture below to access it.
I hope this post helps to make your life a little easier during this crazy busy time.
Remember to take some time for yourself during the next few weeks to keep your sanity and have fun with your kiddos as you celebrate the end of the year!