Five for Friday: The First Full Week!

I have almost made it through my first full week of kindergarten and it has been a great week! There have only been two nights that I have fallen asleep on the couch around eight, so I consider that a success. We have had no crying (by me or the students), no accidents, and we have been having lots of fun. The kiddos are doing a great job learning the routines and procedures of the room.  I am excited for a fun filled year!

We have been spending a lot of time on classroom rules this week.  I want to make sure to spend the time now and continue to talk about it all year so that I can build a warm and accepting classroom community.  I want my kiddos to be kind to one another, respect each other, and appreciate one another.  We have been reading over the rules we made together each day and I think I will continue to do this.  It is a great reminder to get the day started.  This year after we wrote the rules I had each student put their handprint around it.  It was there way of “signing” it.  

After we wrote our rules I also showed them these classroom expectations.  As I hung up each one we talked about what they meant and gave examples.  Some say, “We are kind to each other!” “We say please and thank you” we “Dream Big”.  It is just another way to really emphasize our caring classroom community that I am trying to establish. 

We started our Jolly Phonics program this week. It pairs an action with each letter sound. We concentrate on one letter sound a day.  After we practice the action the kids have a chance to practice writing the letter in their sound book.  Yesterday was one of those days I love.  After they were done working each group of kids just started transitioning effortlessly into alphabet puzzles, sorting or matching.  It was great.  The kiddos above pulled out my alphabet puzzles from my Look at Me, I know my ABCs packet and started working together.  

I just uploaded my latest packet to my store and I can’t wait to use it with my kiddos.  We are going to use the pages for letter homework each week.  They have a chance to practice uppercase, lowercase, and color and write words that start with each letter.  You can click on the pictures to check it out. 

Lastly, I’m really trying to hold true to this saying below.  With the start of school everything can be so hectic.  I am really trying to relax and only focus on what is important and trying to stay positive.  There are so many things to be thankful for! 🙂
I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday.  I appreciate you taking the time to stop by and read my post.  Have a great weekend!