Bathroom and Hand Washing Procedure Visuals



Visuals are the keys to success when explaining classroom procedures especially for little learners at the beginning of the year. Primary students need to SEE what they need to DO. Use these visuals to help your students understand bathroom and hand washing procedures. Display the digital slides as you teach and explain. Laminate and store on binder rings to easily flip through and review. Laminate and post the visuals in the bathroom for students to see and follow each step.

Please see the PREVIEW for an idea of everything included.


The following items are included:

Full Page Step by Step Instructions

Bathroom and Hand Washing Digital Slides

Half Page Step by Step Instructions

Half page Signs with instructions to display in the bathroom as reminders

Bathroom Routine Step by Step Directions to hang in the bathroom

Hand Washing Routine Step by Step Directions to hang by the sink

Hand Washing Step by Step Mini Book

Hand Washing Cut and Glue Sequencing Page

Hand Washing Step by Step Posters

Hand Washing Mini Posters for Binder Rings

Hand Sanitizer Visuals


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